Monday 27 September 2010

In Siem Reap!

Hi again! Just a quick update for you all :) All the other vols left for their project yesterday and today but mine and Claire's project doesn't start until sometime in October because the school is closed for the ancestors holday! Really keen to get started now - we've been here for what seems like ages! Bernadette has told us that Father Albeiro will drive us down to Sihanoukville on Friday morning so until then we are up in Siem Reap to visit the temples and keep ourselves busy! We were looking for voluntary work to do in this time in Phnom Penh but because it was so short notice and for such a short amount of time we weren't able to find anything! I'm happy to be seeing Angkor Wat and all the other temples though which we have been told repeatedly are amazing! We caught the 6 hour coach to Siem Reap at 8 this morning and arrived to a chorus of 'LOVELY JUBBLY' when we revealed we were english to the tuktuk drivers. I don't know if i'd mentioned that earlier but that has been a recurring theme throughout the last 2 and a half weeks! I've never heard that enjoyable cockney phrase so much in my entire life. Now we are settled in another guesthouse about to go out and eat somewhere. Just to set the scene, there's a little translucent gheko running along the floor next to where i'm sat and I am melting from the heat and humidity which is almost unbearable! Claire and I went on a little exploration of Siem Reap when we arrived and it's a really nice place, quite touristy but a lot cheaper than Phnom Penh! The drive up was nice, it was a bumpy journey but the views from the window were incredible - fields of yellowy-green grass for miles, floods of murky water full of water buffalo and stilted houses. Aside from the freezing air-con, screaming child, and repetitive khmer pop songs it was a lovely trip! We're off for our first view of the temples tomorrow morning at 9.30! Anyway, sorry this is brief - i'll hopefully write again to update you on the last week before Father Albeiro ships us to Sihanoukville! Lots and lots of love, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

1 comment:

  1. hahahaha! Lovely Jubley- Brilliant.. Sounds like you're having a great time!
